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HeadlinePaul and Edie for a walk in Central Park

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Jan-16-2023, 17:52 GMT
South Africa

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A video of a spontaneous meeting in the Park.

I don't know a word Hebrew (?????) but I can imagine her tears of joy (and maybe tears of sadness too).

Watch it here:


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Jan-16-2023, 19:54 GMT
USA - United Staates America

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Who is she? She seems to be famous too, she met Biden a few days ago and is on the cover of some glamour papers

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Jan-17-2023, 09:06 GMT
USA - United Staates America

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Obviously you don't read the Jerusalem Post :-) She seems to be an actress:


And an article in English explains more about the coincidental meeting with Paul:


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Jan-18-2023, 15:13 GMT
USA - United Staates America

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Nice story. The chance to meet Paul Simon in Central Park..hm , I guess not too bad, we have seen a few pictures of him with fans there over the decades ;-)

Dad and I had an agreement,
If there is life after death he is sending me a sign.
He laughed and waved at me and said "What, such white butterflies?"
I told him "it's a bit banal, but I trust you"
We laughed and a month and a half later father left us too young and too soon for cancer.
In our last days together he was unable to speak, so I made him a playlist with all the legendary artists he liked the most. Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel (and especially Paul) top the list.

Last August, a few days after my father's birthday,
Asaf Asia and I were walking in Central Park and when it got dark I realized that we had to go home, but strangely pacifiers didn't stop circling around us (dad was the one who taught about pacifiers) and I told Asaf "I feel dad", and he laughed at me as usual.

Then suddenly in front of our eyes, a man in a gray sweatshirt with a hat is taking an evening walk with his wife, in the middle of Central Park...no one recognizes him, he is alone, everything is dark and what are the chances?!? What are the chances that the legendary Paul Simon is taking an evening walk and I meet him like this by chance...

Well that doesn't make sense.
Paul Simon!!
broad bean! The artist he loved the most!
in front of my eyes

Yes or No…
You can philosophize about it.
But I knew it was Dad - that was his sign.
Not a banal sign, an outstanding sign that only he can think of

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Jan-19-2023, 17:38 GMT
USA - United Staates America

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Nice story, can imagine how emotional it must be for her.

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Feb-06-2023, 19:12 GMT
USA - United Staates America

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She's an Israeli actress/model/Instagram-er that moved recently to the US following her husband. She's also the heir to quite a large fortune, but that might be beside the point.

I would probably be willing to give a large sum of such a fortune to meet Paul like that.

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