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HeadlineWhy does music give us chills?

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Jul-18-2013, 14:27 GMT
USA - United Staates America

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Saw this item this morning on Mental Floss http://mentalfloss.com/article/51745/why-does-musi
(hope you can see it from your end? I always thought this was just a figure of speech that means you really enjoy a piece of music. Does music literally make some people feel chills down their spine -- what do you think?

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Jul-19-2013, 07:39 GMT
USA - United Staates America

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I think so. Music has the power to do amazing things. From making someone express emotion, to saving someone's life. There are few times where music has given me the chills. Why music gives chills basically means that you're really into the music and that you have become emotionally attached. That's my opinion anyway, I hope what I just said had meaning :)

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Jul-19-2013, 18:22 GMT

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It is exactly like that.
So what are the greatest "chills" in Paul Simons songs? If going along with the artilce (the moment you are waiting for in a song) for me all those moments are instrumental parts.

Some examples:
The bass solo in hearts and bones after "this is how I love you baby...", but also the part with "And whoa whoa She said why?"

The really loud trumpet part on "The cool cool River" - send their battered dreams to HEAVEN"

the "aiiiii iiii " part in "peace like a river"

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Matthew Evans
Jul-20-2013, 09:54 GMT
United Kingdom

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For me...

Yes that part in Cool, Cool, River definitely - probably THE most atmospheric part of a Paul Simon song.

The end of The Boxer (particularly live) when the crowd sings lie-la-lie and Paul riffs along. Works in every country in the world.

The opening to Boy in the Bubble with the accordion, drum cracks and then the bass kicks in.

"I'm empty and I'm aching and I don't know why" from America

and more recently the Martin Luther King assasination from SBOSW is brilliantly told in that song.

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