The neck of my Guitar

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Sep-16-2008, 09:10 GMT

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I know it has nothing to do with Paul, but it makes me really sad that Rick Wright, Keyboard player with Pink floyd, is dead. Always liked them, always liked him, as the quiet, musical guy (so maybe this is what rick and paul have in common)

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Sep-16-2008, 10:30 GMT

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Makes me sad too... He was such a great musician. Let´s be thankful for the gifts he and the rest of the band have given to us.

Enjoy your great gig in the sky, Rick !

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Lavender and roses
Sep-16-2008, 17:38 GMT

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what a pitty :(
i remember Pink Floyd - the first time i started to play the guitar in a style that PS did (picking style) - i learned their song from the Wall album called Is There Anybody Out There? Actually that was the first song after Yellow Submarine :)? There you can hear a man and the woman talking, then the car door closed, and the guitar part began.. Thanks to them all!!
And for me it´s very strange that i was interested only in their music which i liked and i had many albums , i didn´t know (and now too) their names, biography and the other things. I also watched their DVD musical film.
Using this unique chance to share my thoughts with you, i must say that my favourite album was The Final Cut. About the war in Folkland islands. It impressed me much, though i was a child.
And all in all, Pink Floyd is the first group for me that used special effects like the sound of the helicopter or bursts and the sound of the dock, waves, the birds, door knocking, some conversations... Very interesting to hear

Maslick x

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