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HeadlineArtie on drugs...hm

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Ans Koenen 
Jan-23-2004, 18:50 GMT

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Some new title songs?

Parsley Sage Rosemary and ...Pot

Sounds of Sirens

Feeling less groovy

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Jan-23-2004, 19:18 GMT

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I agree with Nath about driving too fast, it?s more dangerous than smoking a joint...
what i find really ridiculous in this story is when he said he was a celebrity...
Maybe the cop should have look for under his toupee, it?s a very good place to hidde dope...

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Jan-23-2004, 19:35 GMT

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Some more new songs:

Leaves that are groovy

Homeward grown

A most peculiar weed

A joint is burning

(okay, there are some cheap ones....i just have the live67 album in front of me right now...there are even songs that fits to the thread that don?t need a change in the title ...like "The Dangling Conversation" *lol*

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Jan-23-2004, 20:27 GMT

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I really don?t understand what everyone finds so light-hearted about this, I understand why it?s amusing, but I think I?ve had enough.

Yeah, Paul smoked. But then he gave it up in the 70s because he was health-conscious, then smoked the odd joint in the early 80s with carrie, but then gave it up for good when they broke up.

Honestly, I never really did like Artie, but now I have no respect for him at all. He?s an Old man smoking dope when he?s got a wife and kid at home. It?s stupid, I tell you, it?s stupid! He must be a lunatic.

And please . . . no punning with the song titles. I?m not being a prude or naive (even though I?m only 15) I?m just genuinly upset about this and I don?t find it funny. I?ve been hurt enough by drugs already, I hate to see people acting like it?s no big deal. Sorry, but that?s just me.

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Jan-23-2004, 22:13 GMT

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Just thought that "Spaceland" in stead of "Graceland" would be a good song for in their tour now. Can Art sing a good song too :P.

Serious, it?s fine by me when you smoke a joint, but don?t say you?re a "celabrity" when you get caught. Just admit that you were wrong!

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Jan-23-2004, 22:24 GMT

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I myself hate to see people who act like DRINKING is no big deal. No human ever died because he smoked pot. And stoned people are never that agressive as drunk people. The "Drink-Problem" is one of the biggest problems in our society ! But it?s still accepted if one drinks two beer and drive his car afterwards. But if another one smokes a joint, then all call it "drugs" and the guy is a "junkie". Now THAT is ridiculous !
Art is a very intelligent person (I assume...I mean, I heard some interviews) and (@brandy:)I think he would be quite amused to hear that a 15-year-Old boy calls him a lunatic because of the weed. But on the other side, it?s not wrong to not like these things....but just accept that there are millions of people that can handle the use of smoking a little pot from time to time even if they are a father or a husband or a celebrity. Just think at all the songs Paul (and the Beatles, Floyd, Dylan, Doors etc) created while being stoned...

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Jan-23-2004, 22:46 GMT

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I don?t care, I don?t care, The Beatles and Paul and all of them used drugs back in the 1960s, and I believe that we all should leave drugs back in the 60s for good. And hey! I believe in "the drinking problem" too, trust me! I was just saying . . .
okay, so maybe the "lunatic" thing was a bit overdone, but I?m just a bit upset, alright? I do accept that doing drugs is someone?s personal choice, but that DOESN?T MAKE IT RIGHT, now does it? Smoking is bad, drugs are bad, drinking is bad. period. Don?t try to justify it, it?s bad. The end. And not only our Paul has said this . . . John lennon (one of the biggest stoners of them!) gave up drugs and alcohol a few years before his death and said that drugs caused depression and that people on drugs should realize the seriousness of them and try to quit. To have two influential songwriters (Paul and John) say something like that about drugs is powerful, it shows that THEIR songwriting genuis went on without them, and succeeded amazingly. Doesn?t that prove anything?

Alright, I take back my "lunatic" Kuno, but don?t justify drugs. They?re wrong, jusy say that they?re wrong and get it over with, yes just like drinking and smoking. oh, people are so weak-minded, that?s the only reason they do drugs, etc . . .

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Ans Koenen
Jan-24-2004, 08:14 GMT

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You have my sympathy Brandy, I think you had a bad experience in your surroundings and I?m sorry for that, you?re right about people weak-minded and there drunk /stoned behaviour has already hurt a lot of people.
But humour relatives the situation and people like to do that but I understand that it is annoying for you.It?s sad that so many people are unable where to draw the line. It?s nice to have a pleasant evening with some friends and have a few drinks but please no smoking, it smells and other people are forced to inhale smoke even if they don?t want to.

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Jan-24-2004, 10:08 GMT

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I can feel the professional comment there ! LOL !

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Jan-24-2004, 10:12 GMT

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Exactly !That?s the most pathetic point and even if I don?t want at all to defende people who smokes, I don?t see why it should be worse to do that when you have a wife and family : there are many more nasty dads than the ones who smoke a joint from times to times !

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Ans Koenen 
Jan-24-2004, 13:08 GMT

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He,he, I think I can go study for a doctors degree LOL

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Jan-24-2004, 14:44 GMT

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LOL ! I was talking about Marie-No but you can take it for you too, in a different way :-)

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Jan-24-2004, 15:59 GMT

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Well thank you, Ans Koenen, that was nice. I understand the "humour" of it all, but I?m just saying is it?s a bit too much, so thanks:)
I?m feeling better now, more "groovy" . . .but not in Art?s way:)

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