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HeadlineNew Album In 2004?

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Jan-25-2004, 16:36 GMT
USA - United Staates America

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On the AG board most of them are hoping for a new S&G one, I would advise against it. I´d rather have a new Paul one.
And I would be very upset if they pull another "Hearts And Bones" and turn this yet to come out Paul album into a S&G one. They should just do another song together and have it come out in the same fashion that "My Little Town" did.

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Jan-25-2004, 22:56 GMT

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oh god, I´d HATE a S& G album . . . half the reason S & G are still such icons is the fact they broke up at the height of "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" success, they´re like a legend thanks to that! A new album would ruin it, for me anyways, and besides, it´s so nostalgic, Paul is so anti that.

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Jan-25-2004, 22:58 GMT

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Brandy, I agree 100%!

Besides, I´m pretty sure they aren´t interested in doing that (I´m hoping their not interested...). Its just like re-making a Classic movie, its never as good as it was...(at least in my opinion!)

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Jan-25-2004, 22:59 GMT

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I didn´t add this into my last post, but I wouldn´t mind 1 or 2 songs (just like they did with "My Little Town") That would be fun!

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Jan-26-2004, 10:28 GMT

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Oh, did you all know that they are now making E.T. 2 !! It´s the same like that, how can you continue such a great movie after more than 20 years? E.T. was the best movie of it´s time, but another part will just ruin it´s fame (like Blues Brothers 2 uaaahh bad)

BTW. I don´t know what really goes on in Paul´s mind - he often said he will never do an album with Art, but he´s changin his mind consecutively. But I think the initiation always comes from Art (it´s like Letterman showed on his 10 top call´s on Paul Simons answering machine I guess)
If there is a tour then A.G. management will tell it to us - and if there is a new album we will hear Artie talk about it first.

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Jan-26-2004, 14:42 GMT
United Kingdom

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It may be true that Art approaches Paul first (although we cannot be sure), but Paul is a grown man, I´m sure if he didn´t want to do it he wouldn´t.

P.S. How can they remake ET?!! Why would they want to?!! I really don´t understand why so many films get remade. Remember Psycho? What was the point of remaking that at all?

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Jan-26-2004, 19:37 GMT

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If Paul changes his mind and makes an album, I´ll tear ym hair out of my head.

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