The neck of my Guitar

Paul on CenterStage last Friday

from Bodo, 2009-03-29

Last Friday, March 27, 2009 Paul appeared at CenterStage, a show presented by GMC Truck Presents. The show focuses on superstars of sports and entertainment as they appear on stage in front of a studio audience to talk with Michael Kay about their lives as major sports and entertainment figures. An original edition of YES Network´s GMC Truck Presents CenterStage debuts each month. The show is a one-hour sit-down with A-List guests

Barbara (aka Kapeman) had the luck to be in the audience and forwarded this news message:

The interview lasted 2 hours, will likely be edited down and will air in a couple of weeks. Much of the interview was going over history we are very familiar with. Paul did speak a lot about Artie, and how they work on dealing with their conflicts. The show concludes with a segment called Hit and Run where the person interviewed is supposed to say first thing that comes to mind. Paul was asked favorite film- Godfather. Favorite actor- Robert de Niro. Favorite midnight snack- something sweet. Who would you want in a foxhole? He wouldn´t put himself in the position of needing that.


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