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HeadlineSandy And Jeanie, folk duo from 1960s

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Jul-31-2023, 19:10 GMT
South Africa

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The video shows Jeanie from Silver City, New Mexico, teaching my daughter how to play the fiddle.


We have met Jeanie and Ken now 4 times at their concerts and they invited us to come to their home. Their concerts are so much fun, they really enjoy playing and dancing and interacting with kids, they did a special concert for kids this afternoon where they let them play with their instruments and Ken arranged special dances.

We were about 2 hours at their home and Jeanie showed Arya how to play a fiddle. We talked a lot, also about Austrian musician Hubert von Goisern (Ken is a big fan and has all CDs) and somewhen I mentioned Paul Simon. Oh, Jeanie played with Paul Simon Ken said.
What? Yes, she knows so many famous people, she also teached James Taylor a fingerpicking style.
Now I had to ask out Jeanie, how and when did she play with Paul Simon?
She began to tell that it was a long time ago, in 1963 or 64, when she played with her then husband Sandy in Nice, France, on the street. They were street musicians and Paul Simon came by and he said: Eh, that sounds fun, can I join you? So Paul played guitar with them. And Jeanie remembered that Paul asked if they wanna do Lemon tree (by Peter, Paul and Mary), but she said no, we do not like that song ?
She said Paul was a really nice person, not famous at that time of course. And she got the impression he must have some money because he was driving a yellow sunbeam, a sports Coupe. The 3 of them were driving in that car, scrambled together in that tiny sports car they drove along the french coast.

Jeanie is not the person who would make up stories, still I could not believe what I heard. She told us she was also living in London back then and knew many people from the folk scene, they were friends with Martin Carthy too for many years they had contact with him. Sandy and Jeanie were a folk music duo and they released a few LPs until their break up and divorce in the mid 1960s.

Ken then showed me the 2nd level of their house, which was basically a tiny music studio, large storages of LPs and hundreds of tapes they recorded, also images from Sandy and Jeanie and the rest was a big workshop where Ken restored old fiddles.

What a find and what a great day.

(the images are taken in their house, but not the one of the yellow sunbeam and not the one by Paul Simon. I had to look up on the internet what a Sunbeam is and wanted to add an image of Paul from that time period, these 2 are pictures from the web)

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